Characteristics of HUD-Assisted Renters and Their Units in 2021
January 14, 2025HUD Charges Homeowners’ Association with Race and Color Discrimination
January 16, 2025This post was originally published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Community Choice Demonstration (CCD) is a large-scale, multi-site randomized controlled trial (RCT) to test and evaluate the effectiveness of providing mobility-related services to families with children to encourage such families to move to lower-poverty areas and expand access to opportunity areas. Participating families are either current voucher holders (the vast majority of the participants) or invited to participate from the waitlist. Families who enroll in CCD are randomly assigned to be offered either comprehensive housing mobility-related services (CMRS) (the treatment group) or business-as-usual services offered by public housing agencies (PHAs) (the control group). CMRS include individual coaching, financial assistance, unit search assistance, and post-move support. A total of ten PHAs at eight sites across the United States were participating in the Demonstration at the time of this Rapid Cycle Evaluation. These agencies and their service provider partners are aiming to offer mobility-related services to approximately 9,400 families with children participating in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program over six years, beginning in August 2022 and ending in October 2028. This report is the first to assess the early implementation of the Demonstration and capture the initial impact and costs of CMRS.