Where Does HUD Go From Here? Evidence From Jobs Plus, Family Self-Sufficiency, and the Rent Reform Demonstration
January 10, 2025
Evaluation of the Eviction Protection Grant Program Final Report Preview
January 10, 2025This post was originally published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Housing providers are experimenting with positive rent reporting to help renters establish or improve their credit scores. This involves reporting on-time rental payments to one or more credit bureaus so these payments can be added to a tenant’s credit file.
Some of the renters that stand to benefit most from positive rent reporting are also residents of U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)-assisted housing. Public Housing Authorities and multifamily owners who will ascribe to rent reporting programs seek clarity on their ability to participate in such programs and the potential impacts for their tenants.
This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document clarifies the legal obligations HUD-assisted housing providers must adhere to when participating in rent reporting programs and details the evidence on the benefits of positive rent reporting. Providers should use this guidance to determine when payment information can be shared with third-party rent reporting providers or credit bureaus to ensure tenant rights to privacy are upheld.