Final Report on Program Effects and Lessons from the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Evaluation
December 20, 2024The 2024 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress: Part 1: Point-In-Time Estimates of Homelessness
December 27, 2024This post was originally published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The Senate Committee Report supporting the 2024 Consolidated Appropriations Act tasked HUD
with identifying local best practices for collecting, analyzing, and publicizing data on housing
turnover, including the following types of turnover: evictions; foreclosures, including both property
tax and mortgage foreclosures; and lost housing stock resulting from natural disasters and other
unforeseen events. The Senate Report further directed HUD to explore how these practices could
inform federal data collection and a standardized measure of housing turnover.
PD&R staff investigated the data available for each of the types of housing turnover identified in the
Senate Report, the limitations of these sources, and examples of past and ongoing efforts to
assemble and make public these data. Staff consulted with approximately 20 researchers and
practitioners, many of whom are or have been involved in the highlighted local efforts, to learn
about the barriers they encountered and best practices for collecting and assembling local housing
turnover data. Based on these discussions and the identified best practices, the report presents
consideration for federal action towards the creation of a standardized measure of housing turnover.